Tuesday, February 02, 2010


I always said I can watch any kind of movie, except horror.
But I prefer only to watch cartoon and romance comedy.
That made my list of watched movie is short, very short indeed.
And why?
Because I have the power to choose.

Watching those movies about people's life, about how they think, makes me scared. People can be nice, yet they can be more evil than the devil and most of the times they don't even realized about the devil they become. This complex things make life bearable. Some people being lucky and back to their human mode before it's too late. Some just ain't lucky.

Watching those things in the movie makes me feel helpless. No justice and I can do nothing. Well, it's enough that real life is like that. Let the injustice corrupt the real life, but let me spare some piece of mind. Real life is harsh indeed and human needs to be strong.

Let me dream a dream of a utopian world while enjoying those so called entertainment. ;)

~after reading an excerpt of To Kill a Mocking Bird. This kind of book, which I would likely to buy or borrow in an impulse yet don't have the courage to even start it. Because when I start, I know I have to finish it and when I finish, I know I will have swollen eyes for days. And I know, it's not a good idea. Not a good idea... at all. Well, at least for the time being. ;)


MamaNyu said...

aku duwe bukune.. tur males mocone :p
btw, i prefer to watch all those misfortunes, mishaps, etc. in the movies than to experience it myself..
anyway, shit happens.. in movies & real life..

okta zaida said...

Life is more harsh than movie (or novel). In movie, you can rewind,faster,pause,make sequel and (sudden) prequel, even define your own story ending. I would say, shit don't happens in movie, it only happens in life.

My experience: watching too much movie will kill you. slowly.

sunett said...

@ Princess of K: are you the relative of Datuk K? :P
Anyway, I don't want to experience sh*t (not literally :P) in real life and I prefer not to watch it in the movies.

Hmm.. sh*t happens in the movies and I will feel helpless. Sh*t happens IRL then at least I can do something, the most least I can learn how not to do those things to other people.

@ OZ: uh oh, lass, i disagree. Sh*t does happen in movies. Hmm.. did you remember Blood Diamond? Yep, that movie by my long lost boyfriend, Mr. Leo DiCap himself?

Aaarrrgghh.. I don't want to kill myself. But I would like experience other people characters sometimes...

MamaNyu said...

yeah.. i would like the experience being princess aurora.. then i could say to prince charming "5 menit lagi maas.. masih ngantuk.."

Anonymous said...

dadi maksute opo?

rasah dipikir jero2.. *ra dong aku

sunett said...

@ Princess of K: njuk bar ngono your prince nggolek another princess sing ra ngantukan, piye?

@ Anon: Maksude? Nonton pilem ki sing indah2 wae... ha ha ha... sing enak2 wae.. :P