Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Baile Atha Cliath

You wouldn't know what you've lost till it gone.
That's what people said.

One of my acquaintance was tagged in a note (in FB of course) and the note was about a trip to Dublin (that's why this post titled as it is).

When I read it, I was overwhelmed and I said WTH? *Ooops.. pardon my language. ;)
In 9 days the writer could experience a lot of things that I couldn't do in more than 13 months.

But then...
Life happened! (Not sh*t happened, oh my dear readers...) ;)
When life happened then every other things will become blur.
The path will meet a branching road and eventually will lead to another crossroads which will leads you to another.. and so on and so on. Which will eat up your energy.
That's my reason for taking a break, at least 5 times a day.
Even when I travelling or in holidays. Ha ha. (Oh well.. it's an obligation. But you guys would let me run with this, wouldn't you?) ;)

Oh well... if only I could choose then I would like to live in few hundred years before now. But then there's no internet at that time. There's no antibiotic. There's no aeroplane. There's no.. oh dear God. Ha ha.. I don't even know where my greedy mind lead me to. Oh dear Lord, forgive my insatiable desire. :D

You wouldn't know what you've lost till it gone.
Ah... I would focus on what I've been gaining, instead.


MamaNyu said...

haha.. emang tourists travel more than the 'local' nett.. kamu ke sana kan untuk sinau, bukan sbg turis, jd yo wajar.. :p kita aja belum khatam mengunjungi objek wisata jogja.. :))
btw, aku pengen ke national park-nya yg ada di PS I Love You..

sunett said...

Hi hi hi... sampe googling:
"National Park + PS I Love You". Nggak nonton sih pilem2 macem gitu.. ndak nangis gero2 hua ha ha ha.. Biar bus2 yang ditumpangin iklannya itu semua, mana saya peduli... =))

Turn out ternyata di Wicklow. Tetangganya Glendalough. Emang tempat itu cuakep Nyu. Kerep dienggo shooting. Termasuk shooting Highlander & Far & Away. 30 mins only dari Dublin. (Berasa ke Kaliurang)! Superrrrrrr!!!

Sayangnya ndak ada yang jual jadah disana :))

Anonymous said...

kalian koyo alien.. ra dong aku..

sunett said...

ha ha..
dibaca pelan-pelan
mengko rak ngerti..


MamaNyu said...

hooh.. itu namanya.. wicklow mountain national park.. ceritanya si cewek itu tersesat, nyari nat.parknya ga ketemu2.. tyt dia selama ini dia kesasar di dalam nat.park itu.. :)) trus ketemu deh sm mas gantengnya..
ah, ga sampe gero2, cuma mbrebes mili..