Tuesday, April 20, 2010


"It's not time to make a change,
just relax and take it easy,
you're still young that's your fault,
there's so much you have to know.

I was once like you are now, 
and I know that it's not easy,
to be calm when you found something going on.

Take your time, think a lot,
think of everything you've got,
for you will still be here tomorrow but your dreams may not.

It's not time to make a change,
just sit down and take it slowly,
you're still young that's your fault,
there's so much you have to go through."
(Father and Son)

Was having another conversation with the parents according the new situation of our life. Looks like we're still agree to disagree on few clauses and hold on that. Ceasefire. Time will let us grow and get used to this. We're going to settle, as always ;)

There were some fears (or should I say 'are' instead of the past tense?), also provoking thoughts to change the path. I once said never again would i let myself in a situation where cold and hunger could hurt my pride. And now i put myself in this, ha ha ha, i wonder if i'm a delusional masochist? (naaaaah... am NOT! *wink*) Did i really bargain for this? All the confusions and the cautions of every steps taken? Is it really for a greater good? Or this is just another silly adventure of mine?

Oh well, I already made the promise, in His haram ground. If it meant to be, it meant to be. I will settle for less under His blessings, insya Alloh. (But please... please, if possible, not for less, OK? Your Kingdom is unlimited, through the earth and the sky. You could give anything to anyone, out of their imagination. Oh, and before i forget there's one more thing, i know You won't forget that one, but um well, just a reminder... he he... :))

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Bikin Malu Aja!

Ada razia, beberapa orang yang kena razia ternyata berpotongan super cepak dan dengan pedenya pake simbol-simbol Departemen Jogo Negoro segede2 gaban sehingga jelas terlihat dari ujung gang.

Nggak malu sama diri sendiri ya, naik kereta gak bayar? Belum lagi yang cuma cengar-cengir gak punya tiket. Budaya malunya udah pada ketelen ya? Gimana kita mau bener kalo semua orang ribut nyalahin kiri kanan tapi lupa nggak ngaca! Nggak kuat ya beli kaca? Atau kaca dirumah pada pecah semua saking ogahnya kasih refleksi? Eneg tauk!!! Nggak usah pada cerewet sok-sokan deh. STFU and just do your best.

Terserahlah kalo tulisan saya mau dibilang sok2an kek, belagu kek, whatever! Terserah! Saya bukan orang suci. Saya juga pernah kok naik kereta gak bayar tiket, naik kendaraan umum gak beli karcis, tapi sepanjang dalam kendaraan tuh perasaan nggak enak. Maluuuuuuu. Berasa maling :(. Kasta manusia paling rendah. Never again, I said, never again, in a normal situation I would put myself as low as that. Shameful!


Gimana caranya mau curcol nggak jelas secara online ya?
Udah nggak ada media yang aman ini..... grrrrrr...

Blog? Kecelakaan bisa terjadi kapan saja; blame the google!!!
Facebook? Pasti nggak amannya lah...
Status di IM? That's a big no no...

Hmm... big possibility I'll pour those junks in the clan chat; but eeeeewwww... most of them are already my online friend. D'oh!

Gobsmack! I've no privacy left... :((

*Well.. well.. well... the delete button is only one click away... but I still don't have a heart to do that... =))