Friday, October 26, 2012

The Future is Yours

Been here for a while (if 3 years is a while!) and yet not a single normal social life is built. Sometimes I miss those stupid arguing with the gals and the dudes. We start arguing about a simple sentence and end up arguing about world peace in Timbuktu. (In Indonesian: gak nyambung bo'!) :))

Absurd. But that was a good sport. Coz we try to update our facts straight and watch whether the 'opponents' made up their fact or not. Hahaha. Sometimes we lied and laugh when noone realized that. ("Kok diboongin percaya sih?", the normal sentence at the end of the debate.)

Sometimes it feels weird, but maybe this is the part of growing up. Everybody is busy with their own business, with their own family? Me? Well, I'll be busy with family when my third baby is born (yeah... You wish! *pentung2 kepala sendiri!)

Talking about the future, few days ago I read about Futurology Conference in Jakarta. As always, too late to know about this activity, but at least I read some excerpt. One of the speaker, Dino Patti Jalal, Ambassador of Indonesia for USA said something like, raised your kids as nerds and geeks. For they're going to rules the world.

I agree on that somehow. But I feel one thing is needed by nerds and geeks. Most of them are socially awkward. And trust me, the feeling is not good. Not good at all. (By the way, I didn't put myself in that nerd and geek groups, but I have the conciousness (is this an English word?) that some people put me in those groups. Trust me, I am not.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I miss you..
And I also agree about the nerds & geeks thing.. :))
-Miss Galactica lagi males sign in-