Monday, December 06, 2010


Hmm... I think people are scary. I love some of them. I can't hate the rest and I'm so afraid of them. They scared me more than the ghost.

Dem.. Dem.. Dem... Am petrified...

Where to run?
Where to swim?
Where to hide?

Oooh... And where is my other half? Asleep yet? Or just started the day?

Bwahahaha... Okay... Okay... Last question was a glitch ;) Stupid question.

Why don't just live my life one baby step at a time. Problem is not a problem until it is a problem. It is my prerogative to pick. As long as I can keep my head clear and my heart sane, insya Alloh, everything is gonna be alright.

#89:50 adalah waktu yang menunjukkan waktu pertandingan bola INA-Laos yang disiarkan tunda... tepat ketika tulisan ini dimulai...


bung2 said...

AGREE! But you always know that sometimes we're the girls who love to think something deeeeply = problem starts to occur. *Sigh

numpang lewat said...
