Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Be Careful with Your Wish... (Not)

Be *really* careful with your wishes... it may come true... or Not! :P

Biasanya, ketika kita pengen sesuatu, pasti adaaaaa aja godaannya. Well, in my case, pulang liburan kemarin i decided to lessen the dramas in my life. Baruuuuuu aja deklarasi dikumandangkan, ternyata sudah muncul drama epik kolosal.

Time to decide, should I be the primary star or the director or just be a member of the audience. :P

But, as usual, those drama came after a good holiday. You know, kind of the calm before the storm ;)


okta zaida said...

and what is it?? the drama?


sunett said...


undisclosed story, beib... :)

Anonymous said...

iki blog sik rodo absurb.. sik anyar nggo catatan perjalanan ngonuw to.. gut..gut..

sunett said...

yeah, absurd...
that's me...

emm... sing anyar ki pancen tujuanne nggo koyo ngonoan... *maksud hati sih; mudah2an tercapai*
