Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Should It be Blue?

Just remembered one of Mas Sigit's statement:
Langit e apik tenan. Biru. Ra ono putih2e. Wah sip tenan iki difoto!
Well, I wonder, should it be only blue? Honestly, I don't like it that way. I mean, if I could choose what kind of sky to be my picture background, I prefer a cloudy sky. Owh, and if it's possible, with the mist, please. Those fellow photographers must hate me for stating this. ^_^

For me, the blue sky is too calm. Too predictable. Too open. Too blue. Too ordinary. Too bored! I cannot bear blue sky, it is sad. (Hmm...since when blue sky means sadness??) :P

But the misty one is always full of promises. Whether it is good or better. It is vulnerable yet strong enough to hide its secrets. You cannot even understand the mysteries. It might hide an island, a fortress, a ship, a lover, a house, a forest, a crossroads, anything. You name it. It's beyond your imagination.

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