Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Freedom to be Free...

You may wonder why I suddenly turn up on my blog like crazy... write one post everyday.. What happen? Nothing happen... (Tet tooottttt!! A crystal clear lie.)

No, my job is still there, stack prettily high on my desk. Oh well, it will stay there tomorrow--if tomorrow ever comes. ;) Hey, I put my pride on what I am doing, no worry, I wouldn't risk it. Don't want to ruin people's trust. I already gave my words, and I'll try my best to finish what I started. 

Owh, let's stop with the long-winding introduction. Few minutes ago I was stumble on a page about a heated discussion between Steve Jobs and Ryan Tate of Gawker. Reading on the discussion not make me smarter (oh yeah, that's obvious Nett!), still there are two things that took my interest:
  • "Revolutions are about freedom." >> It's about freedom but I hope everyone knows their limit. Freedom doesn't mean losing its boundaries. Don't forget about responsibility. 
  • "By the way, what you've done that's so great? Do you create anything, or just criticize others' work and belittle their motivation?" >> I did this thousands of time during the 26 years of my life. Time to stop and do something great! :D
Wow.. look at where I am. I was reading a kinda techie discussion and I end up thinking about my values. Ha ha..

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