Tuesday, August 07, 2007

6 August... part 0

6 August 2007 is INDEED one of those days...
Won't tell the whole story now, not yet... Insya 4JJI next month deh. ^_^

Thank you for everyone who have been there, read my *^&$%^#$@$#$%^&^*^#&%^@!$#%

And it's weird..
it's odd...
it's crazy...
it's funny... (now, I can laugh)
it's 6 August 2007.

Once again.. thank you..thank you for the patience and the time and everything! :D

Glad to have you all... ^_^ on 6 August 2007.

Pic from here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Salam kenal :D