I finally met my fellow fungi.
Identified as : Genus Penicillium.
Location: Mozarella in Fridge (about 4-6 centigrade).
Pretty eh? The colour is beautiful: green and blue.
Short message appear on my mobile: "Angkringan yuuuukkkk...."It's a code that some people are ready to go or even have been there for a while. Hmm..it's always tempting me to go to the angkringan. Especially this one on JMN's parking lot. With only parking fee and a glass of hot tea (Jogja was cold brrrrrrr), I can get a full wi-fi access. It cost me 1.000 Rp. The quality of food and Wi-Fi weren't bad at all :D Well, but you must be really patient to wait for the beverages, since they only have little number of glasses. *wink*
"Leaky signal, isn't it?"I can understand why my friends' (especially those who reside in our Capital City) thinking like that. Few days ago, I read in KOMPAS, that some malls in Jakarta started to provide WiFi access for their customers. But they only give limited access and it's not free. Well, I live in Jogja, a heavenly place to connect to the internet using your mobile phone or lappie. Just sit on some little cafe (if you prefer cafe) and you'll get internet access. But, if you go to the cafes you may need to prepare more money than if you choose the angkringan.
"Illegal signal eh?"