Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Look from the Other Side
Desember 2005, 27. 2055.

It’s so complicated. Our life. Kata orang idup tuh wang sinawang. Kita anggep hidup orang laen lebih asyik, padahal it’s all the same. Not PERFECTLY the same, tapi semua kan sudah dibagi dgn adil sesuai dengan kemampuan tiap2 orang. Iya gak siy? Kalo aku: That’s my opinion, dan sepertinya belum berubah dulu dan sekarang.
She likes me, she likes me not. They like me, they like me not. He likes me, he likes me not. Aaah complicated.
PS. Pengen punya suami kayak Ajussi Hyong Jook. Wiser, more mature, full of spirit, straight, very understanding, full of integrity dst dst. Tapi yg paling penting tuh yang straight. Pokoke dia g macem2 aje :D oohh will I? (Bermimpilah nak....keep on dreaming and watch out, it might be come true...heee heee...)

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